iBV Bioinformatics Facility informations
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Institute: Institut de Biologie Valrose

Address: Parc Valrose - 06108 Nice Cedex 2

Website: http://ibv.unice.fr/platforms/bioinformatic-facility/

Manager: Antoine Fortuné

Contact: Antoine.FORTUNE@univ-cotedazur.fr

Description of activity

With the large production of data generated by high throughput experiments, the iBV has recently engaged in the creation of a bioinformatics core facility. The primary goal is to provide all iBV researchers a local expertise and technology platform for their needs related to bioinformatics, biostatistics, data storage etc. Due to an already existing and an expected increase of the demand for next generation sequencing data analysis the first priority was given to the setup of a local instance of a GALAXY web platform. The iBV has purchased a dedicated server and installed all the softwares required for processing and analysis of Chip-seq and RNA-seq data using GALAXY. Additional tools are also available for pathway and network analysis using CYTOSCAPE and INGENUITY. Researchers will also benefit from assistance for the design and statistical analysis of their NGS experiments. Besides regular service, the platform also develops collaborative projects with research teams that are addressing unconventional issues.

Technical infrastructures